I was just about to head out to the beach here in Valencia when I saw an email response from one of my subscribers.
He's an 18-year-old ENFP and he wrote about how difficult life was going for him. At this age he is still trying to figure some things out for him and overall feels life is very hard.
After finding out he's the ENFP personality type, he's been learning about himself and trying to improve, but is having these struggles of not being able to figure out life, feeling overwhelmed and trapped.
As an older ENFP myself, inspired by his question and a raging storm here in Valencia, I wanted to give him some ENFP life advice on these turbulent teen times, as well as share a different perspective on the stormy times in our lives.
You can check out the photos of the storm in Valencia that I've mentioned in the episode on this link:
If you haven't already, be sure to check out my free training on turning your personality type into an incredible life, The Life Design Approach. Get it here: www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/freetraining/
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