Should you base your decision of what you’re going to STUDY on how you’re going to make MONEY? Is psychology college major a viable INFP career choice?
If you're thinking that psychology might be a good INFP university major but are afraid you’re going to end up PENNILESS...or you're just an INFP forced to decide on your college major NOW, this episode #111 is for you, dear INFP!
Check it out for some helpful advice on INFP major and INFP jobs to avoid wasting your life in suffering, doing what you don’t like.
This episode is equally valuable if you are an ENFP and wondering about the right college major for ENFPs. Many of us ENFPs are very interested in it makes sense to consider studying this.
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Training For Freelancers, Coaches, and Consultants
I just opened the doors to The Free Freelancer for early enrolment. You can join now and benefit from last year's pricing and get a jump start on the training.
Are you, or someone you know, suffering from ENFP?
If so, you should seek immediate non-medical attention. Introducing: ENFP Unleashed. Click here for more details. We're starting this month!
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And if you haven't already, be sure to check out Dan's free training on turning your personality type into an incredible life, The Life Design Approach. Get it here: